First of all i m new here and i want to say hello to everybody.
Secondly, my english isnt well enough and really sorry for the misunderstanding between us.
Dear friends, i m maker of footy simulation games. We make a really cute game which can play on the forum against full real people.
You can play this game as a manager/ club president and players too. (all of them at the same season.)
We have two league at this season now, Lig A (16 team) and Lig B (16 team).. I planned for next season building Lig C and D. (like english premier leagues)
This game is turnbased, then you have no any problems about online times. You have to play within 4 day when your match topic opened by moderators. You dont need any download or buy CD etc.
Game is full forum game. By the way, there is some tactical facilities like 4-4-2 5-3-2 etc. You can play as a striker and you press shoot button and watch the result clips.
You will start standard team squad with 17 players. We will follow your players stats and we will show you team chart on the forum.
You can transfer from other teams or transfer list players via exchange your players. (Always your squad have 17 players and 1 goal keeper, 6 defender, 6 midfielder, 4 forward.)
You can take any team name, any team logo and any president name
You can exchange 6 player during one season.
You can have maximum 6 stranger player
İf you have questions i can reply as i can.
Thank you