Altrincham's rebirth is a team's effort and it shows in this forum how this team is growing with each passing week. Good job everyone! YOU SIMPLY ROCK!
As we have seen every week, we are the best team of each league that we've left behind and every point counted in keeping us up there. Premiership, HERE WE COME!
Final ranking of the three that got promoted:
1. Altrincham - 25.165.050 - (0)
2. Southampton - 24.184.000 - (-981.050)
3. Bristol R - 21.812.625 - (-3.352.425)
To note, Altrincham had at least 20 players, out of which 14 scored enough points to be listed in the TOP SCORER's list. Here is the final list:
43. tap - Altrincham - 7.784.150------------>Our Polish Friends
56. jar - Altrincham - 6.405.900------------->Our Polish Friends
190. zc - Altrincham - 2.047.650------------>ME!!!!
234. dac - Altrincham - 1.543.100---------->BathAlty
274. Dee - Altrincham - 1.228.500
317. NJF - Altrincham - 912.875------------->Moss Lane Man
365. bay - Altrincham - 738.475------------->Golfroader
383. SaL - Altrincham - 702.050
448. bil - Altrincham - 561.575
551. jim - Altrincham - 411.700
562. mik - Altrincham - 401.425
646. tim - Altrincham - 334.300
690. dan - Altrincham - 295.900-------------->Danilo from Fiorentina
721. Gif - Altrincham - 271.625 we can see Moss Lane Man is the winner of the duel.
