I could not care less what people who are willing to turn their back on principles to go and endorse this competition.
If you still think it's just because we have to play a few extra games you are too stupid to understand the nuance behind why this competition is a slap in the face of all clubs not successful enough to enter the Premier League. Especially when the Premier League has continued over the years to undermine the position of all clubs not under it's umbrella. Football league team fan's also boycott the Bristol Street Motors Cup now that they are forced to include under 21 teams. The concept is not new, you lot should not need it explaining to you as supporters of a often trodden on team.
I think at this point you should all realise I care very little about the opinions of those who act as apologists for the club when they are not acting in the interests of the fans, players or indeed other clubs in our league structure.
Enjoy your pathetic excuses, I will not be accepting a single one, especially when the only things anyone can ever come up with are "we should support the club" or "it's a revenue stream we can't turn down". f**king clown speak from f**king clowns. 40-60k does not fill the 1m defecit we are spending on wages to get out of this league... When York are at Wembley with a reduced number of games in their legs and facing a future in the football league, I'll be here to point out they declined to enter this f**king competition. I'll be insufferable, especially when Barnet also win the league with less games in their legs.
I can also add that Rob Esteva, who cared not for the financial side of things at the club, stated that this competition was a travesty and rejects it completely. I wonder what his reasons for that were???
Anyone got an update on Crawfords injury from last night either? Be bad if we ended up losing him for a few weeks, it would really eat in to the "profit" we made last night.