It remains that we will secure a playoff spot if we do as well or better than Aldershot on Saturday. If Aldershot lose, we are in the playoffs. If we win, we are in the playoffs. If Aldershot draw and we draw, we are in the playoffs.
As well as Gateshead dropping points tonight, their goal difference has taken a knock but is still better than ours (+44 vs +42). Their defeat at Fylde means...
To finish in the top three we MUST win our final two games and ALL of the following must happen:
- Halifax drop at least two points (draw or lose one game)
- Solihull drop at least two points (draw or lose one game)
- Gateshead drop at least five points (or four if their goal difference takes a dive and/or ours improves).
- Bromley get no more than two draws from their last three games.
Failing all four of those things happening, we will still finish top five if we win our remaining games and at least TWO of them happen.
If we drop two points in our final games then top three is impossible but we could still finish in the top five if any TWO of these happen:
- Bromley lose every game
- Solihull drop at least four points (ie don't win either of their two games)
- Halifax drop three points (lose one or draw two)
- Gateshead drop at least seven points - or six if goal difference swings in our favour.
If we drop three points in our two remaining games then a top five finish would require any TWO of the following:
- Halifax drop at least four points (draw two or lose 1 and draw one)
- Gateshead drop at least eight points, or seven if goal difference swings in our favour.
- Solihull drop at least five points by getting no more than a draw from their final two games.