As suggested elsewhere I suspect the management might be opting for Linney/Nuttall up front, Newby in No10 (and I think Tom Crawford can push up and play there too), Crankshaw and Amaluzor as the starting wingers, with the likes of Kozzy and Weaver in backup - whilst we're yet to make a call on Justin Donawa and I'm sure there will be more twists and turns when it comes to the triallists.
Rather than take a punt on offering someone a long-term deal, I wouldn't be surprised if the management team stay cautious with their newly-acquired funds and wait to see how the start of the season pans out, see where the gaps are, and address them accordingly.
It was the observation of a (rather large and glaringly obvious) gap last season that led us to the signing of Ethan Ross at around this stage.
We must not forget that the existing lads should continue to improve too.