My wife is Ukrainian and consequently my 17 year old son and 13 year old daughter are both as much Ukrainian as they are British. My wife comes from a rural area close to the Russian border in what was Luhansk Oblast (Luhansk City Region). We last visited my In-laws and my wife's eldest sister who still live there in 2012. We would have gone again since but Russia invaded Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014 and annexed these areas declaring Crimea to be a part of Russia and the two cities and the immediate area around then to be 'Independent Republics'. The area where my In-laws live was not seized at that time and so was placed under the administration of another Ukrainian region where it remained until February 24th 2022.
Russian tanks took the area within the first few hours of the invasion and replaced the Ukrainian flag with a Russian one before moving on towards Kharkiv. The locals have restored their flag but as the conflict has gone on they have lost their phone signal and the food shops are almost empty. They still have an internet connection of sorts so my wife is still in contact with them. There is no way out for them and even if there was they are not well enough to trek half way across Europe. They have livestock (a cow, chickens, and turkeys) and lots of stored preserved fruit and vegetables and so we are confident that they will be OK.
My wife has told me that her sister who is a teacher of Ukrainian History has now been told to sign a contract stating that she will no longer teach the history of Ukraine and she must now teach Russian History (as it is defined by them). Lessons are to be conducted in Russian language.
About 15 years ago I bought the cottage next door to my In-Laws. I now need a Russian visa to go there !!! I am happy to answer any questions that anyone has.