« on: May 31, 2021, 12:54:48 PM »
Firstly, let me say that i know the club did not have to offer any discount at all but i guess were looking to reward those of us who bought season tickets this year to support the club (though the club has given STic holders various perks throughout the last season)... that said, i was expecting a figure of approx 20% disc, but again i acknowledge any discount is welcomed...
There will be some fans, like myself, who did not take advantage of the (think) £56 refund from previous season for games not played at end of 2019/20 season when Covid lockdowns started in March 2020... in my case £112 as had two season tickets... we wanted the club to keep this money in their time of need & also gave to all last summers collection initiatives to support the club...
Again, this season, we had two season tickets at £295 each and bar the last three games could have got away with one... as when streaming we use one code for home games in our household to watch via TV... hence, could have got full refund on 2nd season ticket at start of season (which club did offer so our choice not to) as wanted to support club via that extra approx £300... not to mention other support...
There maybe other families who did similar ie may be family of four with four season tickets (when only one needed for streaming code) and could have bought general sale tics for last 3 home games fans could attend...
Hence, was thinking/hoping for circa 20% discount on renewal or even those families where more than one season ticket in household possible get extras ones free or say 50% disc as didn't use extra STics for season just ended...
This is just a personal viewpoint and as acknowledged above any discount is welcome plus it was our choice not to seek refund of monies from 2019/20 STic & not to seek full refund from extra 2020/21 STic... hence i cannot complain as wanted to help the club in it's time of need...
Personally, just thought renewal discount for 2020/21 may have been slightly higher... that said, i'm happy with any discount offered & will again renew both my season tickets that our household will use... roll on the new season...