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Messages - Inter Alty!

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After the great news tonight about Colclough (after fearing he may leave like Smithy) i change my Torquay team to the following...


Senior   Mullarkey   Hannigan   Fitzpatrick
                     Moult   Colclough
          Kosylo   Hancock   Mooney

Subs: Gould, Sutton, Williams, Pringle, Kirby, Peers, Leitch-Smith

NB assume White, Hampson, Dens, Digie, Jackson all injured... Miller on loan... Adarbioyo? (played during pre-season but pic not on Team website), plus not sure if Parky will sign two trialists from today...


The two trialists apparently were...

Joe Bunney (27) started at CB but switched to LB at H/T when Fitzpatrick was subbed... Bunney was at Hartlepool last season (prev clubs include Lancaster, Kendal, Stockport, Northwich, Rochdale, Bolton,  Matlock, Grimsby...

Dean Furman (33) started on the bench, & is a South African international midfielder, who was previously at Carlisle. He apparently recently turned down the chance to rejoin Oldham Athletic... he came on at H/T...

Maybe Parky will offer one or both deals...

Altrincham FC First Team / Torquay Away - who would you pick to start?
« on: August 14, 2021, 02:17:11 PM »
So, the final pre-season game ends with an Alty 3-1 away at Huddersfield B...

We should now be in a position to know our starting line up for the league opener next weekend, but to be honest i'm none the wiser really - i hope Parky knows his starting XI if all fit...

NB Hampson & White (plus assume Dens still) are all injured so guess means Fitzpatrick will start LB...

Not really seen anything of new CB Digie or Brad Jackson... also still not sure if we've found a replacement for Smithy... will Pringle fill the void or Kirby? Not sure where Hancock will fit in in new system & what system will be eg 4,4,2... 4,3,3... 4,2,3,1 etc... also have horrible feeling Colclough (certain starter) may leave before season ko as EFL clubs hovering now has all clear from court case & not played last few games as if something going on (if goes like Hulmey did on eve of season think he's still got 12mth contract so should get fee but then hard to replace)... new players Fitzpatrick, Dinanga, Leitch-Smith, Pringle all seem ok... also two more trialists played today... just need to get an XI together who can hopefully gel & build from there...

At present, i personally think Team will be...

Senior     Mullarkey   Hannigan   Fitzpatrick
            Pringle     Moult    Kirby (or Colclough if still here)
            Kosylo    Dinanga   Mooney

Subs: Sutton, Williams, Hancock, Peers, Leitch-Smith

Alternatively, maybe...

Senior   Mullarkey   Hannigan   Fitzpatrick
                     Moult   Kirby
           Kosylo   Dinanga   Mooney

Basically, i just don't know who we'll start with around midfield area...

Any thoughts from other Alty fans??? Who would you start with???


Altrincham FC First Team / Re: A big thank you.
« on: August 14, 2021, 09:55:12 AM »
Hi Andrew,

You sent your message as i was replying to prev ones...

I agree with you that the Alty Rewards does need revisiting & upgrading as seems to not be working properly... the club takes money via Direct Debit each month & you are meant to receive certain perks... some of which have not materialised... plus, despite paying above basic option, the main two things i really wanted was the watch Team Photo perk & free Alty top you get after 12mths... now the Team Photo Event was literally a non-event for me plus the Alty shirt bit is also not going to happen for me... the club left SKkits who did sizes upto 5XL for Puma who do a max shop size of 2XL (or after contacting the Alty Directors myself possibly 3XL)... now lets just say i've had a few pies during my life & need a 3XL/4XL (Puma's 3XL is more like a 2XL in other brands)... hence i wont be able to get an Alty shirt now - though will still use the perk (if not forgotten) to treat Mrs Inter to one - i know how to treat the ladies! :)

Anyway, agree with you, Alty Rewards does need upgrading as not working properly at present...

Onto better things... lets hope the lads do well this season... COYR!

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: A big thank you.
« on: August 14, 2021, 09:38:01 AM »
Thanks for that Ray & Jan (& others who messaged me separately)......

Yep, hoping all goes well... will be apparently 5-6mth recovery period & been told Wythenshawe Hosp is one of the best for heart surgery..

Anyway, needs doing, so fingers crossed...

Re above, i didn't want it to sound sour grapes or say i do so much, as i normally try not to be vocal about such things & most would not know me from any other fan as i hate the limelight (plus i also know loads of others do similar or more or less - & anyone who does anything is doing their bit to support the club i love)...

That said, occasionally it is nice to get a little 'Thank You' back and be able to see the Team Photo would have been a nice touch (especially as i was paying for that via Alty Rewards)... plus i sincerely hope those invited enjoyed the experience... anyway, will leave it there, draw line under it, & look forward (enough said)...

Anyway, hey ho, life goes on & i have far more important things to worry about in coming months...

Thanks again for your kind message/s...

Lets hope the Robins have a great season...

COYR! :)

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: A big thank you.
« on: August 14, 2021, 07:25:10 AM »
Hi Andrew,

In answer to your question...

'I hope Alty Rewards contributors weren't overlooked? https://www.altrinchamfc.com/club/alty-rewards'

It would appear that sadly the club did infact forget about Alty Reward contributors... i, amongst others, give so much time & funds to the club and am a Alty Reward contributor as one of the many funding initiatives i support... sadly the first we hear about the team photo experience is on here or club social media after the event... on ALL the Alty Rewards funding categories it states 'invite to Team Photo'... after missing last season's pic due to no-one allowed due to Covid i am really disappointed & upset that the club has forgotten about us fans when they are happy to take our money each month via this scheme... anyway, cannot get this moment back, so we move on...

Would have loved to have seen the Team photo, especially as i will miss a chunk of the season due to major heart surgery, but i wish the club well & will continue to support them as best i can via being a Season Tic holder, Patron, Player Sponsor, Alty Rewards funder, Patrons & Monthly draws, shareholder, plus other initiatives like Pitch-in funding, Fanzone wall brick, club collection schemes, partaking in matchday sponsorship/hospitality twice each season in Sponsors Lounge for many years, buying merchandise, etc etc, plus going all home games (bar surgery period) & many aways... i even have been a volunteer on several occasions upto this summer when restricted due to heart issues... like others who do similar, i am upset to have been forgotten by what is such a wonderful club for family, community, & footy experience...

As i say, we move on... i hope all who went to this photo experience had a great time & enjoyed it... maybe i'll get a chance next year (unless forgotten again)...

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Signing
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:13:38 AM »
Another good signing...

Brief player history:
33yr old midfielder Ben's early career(2006-09) was with WBA, Newcastle Blue Star, Morpeth Town, & Ilkeston...

2009 onward he played for several EFL clubs including Derby, Rotherham, Fulham, Ipswich, Preston, Oldham, Grimsby, Tranmere, Gillingham, & Morecambe before joining Alty...

New signing Ben Pringle speaks to Alty TV after signing for the club...


Welcome Ben... Good Luck... we hope you enjoy a successful time with Alty...


Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Trafford next Tuesday 10th Aug
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:02:58 AM »
Tickets are on sale via attached Trafford FC link...

£5 Adults
£3 Concessions
£1 Kids

Can either buy online or on day at game (though Trafford recommend buy before to save queuing)...



Altrincham FC First Team / No more Saturday 3pm Streaming?
« on: August 04, 2021, 07:21:32 PM »
The below articles states (if correct) that there will sadly be no more streaming on Saturdays... :(


NB EUFA & FA had for years previously prohibited Sat live footy around 3pm to stop club attendances being effected by streaming on matchdays (FA brought in ban in 1960s between 2:45 - 5:15pm Saturdays)... BT also had as part of their live TV deal that streaming was banned for National Lge 3pm games bar their coverage... other legislation effected live screening of 3pm matches... these 'bans' were relaxed during last season for Covid reasons but it now seems that the live TV/streaming ban will be back... Alty were championing keeping streaming but always said it depends on higher powers like EUFA/FA etc...

I hope this will be reconsidered to help fans who can't go games (whether home or away fans, those abroad, etc), but it looks like the bans will unfortunately now be back...

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: ALTY SIGNING!
« on: August 01, 2021, 04:17:37 PM »
Info on our new signing from Wikip...

Alty's new Left Back is 31 & a local lad who was intially at Stockport 2010 before Northwich & New Mills 2010-13 (plus during this time also played Sunday Lge footy for Brookland's Tap pub locally).

2013-15: Southport 91apps
2015-20: Macc 213 apps
2020-21: Port Vale 27 apps

Also has 3 England C caps from 2013/14

NB he lost FA Trophy Final at Wembley to York in 2017
Also whilst at Northwich scored both goals in 2011 Cheshire Senior Cup Final win over Alty!

Now he's with Alty we wish him a successful future with us - Good Luck David...


Altrincham FC First Team / ALTY SIGNING!
« on: August 01, 2021, 11:47:47 AM »
See Alty Club website (copied below)... confirming signing of Left Back David Fitzpatrick which will be great especially as Hampson & White may not be fit for season start...


Welcomd to David... we wish u well & hope u enjoy a successful time with Alty!

Good Luck...


Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Kirby
« on: July 16, 2021, 09:36:59 PM »
Yep, agree, Parky did state in that Q&A that he had someone in mind & implied virtually sorted to replace the void left by Smith leaving...

Kirby did well last season and i welcome him staying as can grow further with us... good luck Connor...

That said, we still need a couple of new faces (two or three) imho before the season starts... hope we have more signings lined up & ready to welcome or we may struggle next season...

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: If we are "Free" from Monday...
« on: July 16, 2021, 09:29:32 PM »
Hi there,

Last summer (autumn) the majority of pre-season games had no fans due to the on/off lockdown issues, but one game Ashton Utd away had a nominal crowd of either 300 or 600 (can't recall exact amount) but then had to buy a ticket online via the same club online website as for this year... i bought a ticket online & was looking forward to the match until it was called off few days before due to one of their players testing positive for Covid (resulting in us getting refunds)...

Another game just before last season that allowed fans in was Nantwich away (Sept) - this also had tickets purchased in advance online to show at gate to gain entry... i went that one...

Hence, nowadays & post covid appears online ticket purchases are way forward for now probably to ensure no cash transactions or delays in entry & also not new as what was used for fans last pre-season when fans permitted...

That said, there will probably be some smaller clubs who can't provide online ticket sales systems so maybe forced to have cash admissions on day instead... i think West Didsbury & Chorlton may fall into this category & we may have to pay on gate next Sat... reason i say this is as presently no ticket news to-date for our game next Sat plus below link has details on their ticket admissions tomorrow £5 for Trafford's visit & these will be pay cash at gate (only advance sales is via club shop for tables for those wanting beer)...


Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Reagan Ogle signs....
« on: July 13, 2021, 07:40:05 AM »
Good luck Reagan...

Thanks for your efforts supporting Alty last season...

Wish u well for the future...

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