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Messages - One Foot in the Grave

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Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Dagenham Match Thread
« on: September 23, 2024, 04:52:13 PM »
Did I watch a different game to the rest of you on Saturday? Banks was the pick of our outfield players IMHO. I'd certainly start Humbles in place of Osborne, who has gone severely backwards, and I'd start Crankshaw and let him have at least an hour - Amaluzor is currently nowhere near his best.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Boston United match thread
« on: September 21, 2024, 10:52:20 PM »
Another abysmal showing. We now have 12 points from 10 matches, and that translates to an end of season tally of just 55. That's just three points more than Boreham Wood went down with last season. I can't be bothered to drag myself out on Tuesday evening - I'll stream it, because the match day experience has become less enjoyable. FFS I even had to stand up in the CSH pre-match because all the tables had disappeared, and a noisy kids' birthday did little for my mood.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Boston United match thread
« on: September 20, 2024, 01:03:49 PM »
I have a bad feeling about this one. Our record overall this season is frankly lamentable. We've only beaten Woking plus the bottom two clubs,and have only taken a single point from 4 matches against clubs currently in the top half of the table. On paper, Boston are the type of team we really should be taking 3 points from at home, but I can see things being far from clear cut, especially since the visits of both clubs to Sutton United show an 8-0 score differential in Boston's favour.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: National League Cup
« on: September 20, 2024, 12:54:22 PM »
I agree with practically all of the foregoing, and have no interest at all at attending any of the games.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: D & R v Gateshead
« on: September 15, 2024, 02:16:22 PM »
Dagenham are in town in 9 days time. They never allowed Gateshead any time on the ball, and we'll have to keep an eye on Junior Morias in particular. He may look as if he's been on Pie & Guinness Diet this summer, and he isn't particularly quick, but two goals, an assist, and winning a penalty testify that he's still a serious threat.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Barnet Match Thread
« on: September 12, 2024, 05:44:16 PM »

Also, Ethan's save possibly the best I've seen by an Alty keeper ever. Certainly in the top 5. Superb

For me that accolade remains with England's Number One against Nuneaton in the Cup, but Ethan's was certainly in very top class.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Dropping Points
« on: September 11, 2024, 04:03:20 PM »
We can win at Yeovil. 👍🇦🇹🤞

We SHOULD win at Yeovil, and we MUST if we're to stay clear of the relegation struggle.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Barnet Match Thread
« on: September 11, 2024, 03:58:03 PM »
I thought we were doing OK until we started making substitutions. It wasn't just Osborne - we seemed to totally lose our shape, and there were players out there who seemed uncertain what their role was.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Ebbsfleet Match Thread
« on: September 08, 2024, 01:14:43 PM »
I might have missed something but who was the lad Thompson who came on?

Remi Thompson is 22, and a former Man.U. and Huddersfield youth midfield player. He's been at Merstham, Waterford, Ashton United, and Padiham without staying long at any of them. He was signed on the eve of the new season, and one must assume PP has seen something that others have missed.

Altrincham FC First Team / Today's live stream
« on: September 07, 2024, 10:32:45 PM »
I wasn't feeling at my best today and opted to stay at home and watch the live stream. The pictures were excellent, and the commentary would have been if both microphones were set at the same level - but I could barely hear Jonny unless I turned the volume up, and that made Paul so loud that I'm surprised my downstairs neighbour didn't bang on her ceiling. I've noticed this phenomenon before on RR. Quite what the Ebbsfleet fans watching at their ground made of it I can only guess - but there will be more live streaming to come, and surely this shouldn't be too hard to sort out.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Early observations
« on: August 24, 2024, 06:46:47 PM »
I won't attempt to sugar the pill. I thought we were absolutely abject against mediocre opposition. Nuttall would struggle in the Northern Premier League, Haygarth might barely cope in National North. The penalty was absolutely naive and totally unnecessary. Reddin was the one bright spot as we plumbed depths of ineptitude that put me in mind of Neil Young's tenure. I won't be streaming it on Monday, let alone trekking all the way to Veganville. And I'm away next weekend so won't see the Oldham game. There will need to signs of improvement before I bother again.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Woking match thread
« on: August 15, 2024, 07:23:08 PM »
how come there is no Alty TV highlights?

They're on YouTube I think aren't they?

I havent seen an on alty tv for the woking game , last season highligts were up on a Sunday evening usually followed by an interview

There's a link on John Laidlar's site.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Alty car stickers
« on: August 15, 2024, 10:29:45 AM »
I do remember "Cock o'the North Robins" on t-shirts at Maine Road for the Tottenham game! 👍

We should have had one reading "Cockup of the North" after Neil Young's disastrous spell in charge.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Woking match thread
« on: August 11, 2024, 10:43:59 PM »
Totally disagree about Nuttall? ran his socks off and split the 11 men constantly and was kept on until late on. Linney or similar wound have provided the same cover. Try running a forward line on your own, win the balls he did and provide the service he did! Hats off to you Joe, a great debut! Keep building and understanding!

Ran his socks off? From where Nom de Plume, Hash, and I were watching on the popular side the unanimous opinion was that he had very little pace or mobility. He can only improve - and he needs to.

Altrincham FC First Team / Re: Woking match thread
« on: August 10, 2024, 08:37:43 PM »
I would be less inclined to complain about the red card for Eddy if the referee had manned up and sent off Gorman for launching himself at him and grabbing him by the throat. In what parallel universe is that a yellow card offence? And when the little scumbag did leave the field for a second yellow, by the yardstick the referee used to dismiss Eddy, then that should equally have been a straight red. Woking were incredibly poor, and will be down at the wrong end of the table soon enough.

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